Wednesday, August 31, 2011

tinted windows

This is what I get for not writing in my blog consistently....
I forget what I was gonna write about...and it was really really profound....
At least I thought it was profound.

However, I suppose I can just babble on about the last few days.

Spending the weekend with Karla was uber fun...and getting to see my old friends was pretty awesome as well. It's always encouraging being in the space of such godly people. 
I think that's why I'm so excited about this coming up semester. This summer has been filled with me being around people who really love and seek Jesus and it's really motivated me to strive for better.
We'll see how far that gets me.

Sometimes, I feel bad for girls who didn't get to grow up with a sister...or a best friend who was pretty much a sister. My younger sister just means the whole world to me and it'd be weird if I didn't have her. Like, she moved off to college last week...the college I attend...but it's still weird that she isn't around when I get home from work. 
So I started class yesterday and every chance we got, we were hanging around each other. Lunch, after class, dinner and every time in between. It was so much fun to laugh uncontrollably, talk about our crazy professors and the crazy people in our classes.
Her roommate doesn't understand why we call each other "sister" instead of by our first names.

Also, I love Family Guy.

Cheers :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Long time, no see

It's been a while since I've written on my blog.

At this very moment, I'm sitting across the room from my bff, Karla. :)

Staying with her makes  me want an apartment even more. It also makes me miss being away at college. Being able to go out whenever you want and just sitting in the room all day is the bomb.

On the other hand, I love my life right now. Being busy at work all the time. Wanting to go to sleep before midnight every night. Meeting all kinds of new people and learning about different cultures in a way that I never thought I would is so awesome.

But I really am ready to get my own place. Close to home. But far enough that I can be independent.

School starts on Tuesday and I never thought I would say that I'm really excited about it. Bring on all the good literature I'm gonna get to read this semester!

Okay, well I just wanted to give a quick update. Back to hanging with Karla!

Cheers :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I love Ben Rector

First of all, to address my title: Ben Rector has one of those voices and sounds that just...soothes.

Plus, he's not too hard on the eyes. 

Plus, I've seen him pretty much every time he's in the area. 
Plus in 26 days, his new album comes out. 

I expect every word out of my mouth will be a lyric from his album. 

Prepare yourselves.

I was re-reading older posts of mine and it felt like I was reading stuff from a completely different person. God has been so faithful in my life in the past year and I wish I wasn't so quick to set that aside to make my own plans.

School starts in 12 days and I'm so excited. I miss being on campus and seeing the BSM people and just learning. Haha. But I'm really glad my sister is going to be up there so I'll have an excuse to be up there more and do things with her. 

Also...the zipper on my jeans broke....

Cheers :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I just realized something...

I have two friends, who will remain unnamed, that are pretty extroverted. Most of my friends are, but these two pretty much take the cake in the area of meeting and talking to new people. This is not my personality, however, and many times I wish I was like them. They're just so darn loveable.

Here's what's funny though...before these two friends were super outgoing, they were two of the shiest people I knew. I was the one introducing them to people and getting them to hang out with others...

Now they've got their own things going on...and it's just weird to me. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't have things going on...but it's just funny to me that they are SO different from when I first met them.  Kinda cool how God works that stuff out.

In other news, I'm exhausted.

Cheers :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

My friends....

....are really the best ever. Please do not try and argue with me. My friends are the literal definition of awesome. They are pretty much a constant source of laughter and encouragement.

Also, I have this new app on my MacBook and it's called Evernote. It just is a place to write all of your thoughts down and keep them somewhat organized. You know what that means? All the ideas for a certain piece of literature I may be working on will all go there. Pretty sweet.

Speaking of my Mac, I need a name for him. I want something over the top and really manly. What about Dominic?? That is super manly. He could be Dom for short, which is even beastlier. Or Nickolai...that makes me think of a Russian mobster or something.  I think Dominic is it.

Quick side note: The Bourne movies are played entirely too often on the USA network than should be allowed....

OH! I went to the Dallas World Aquarium for the first time today and it was AMAZING. I already want to go back...but preferably on a day when there are not approximately 1400 screaming kids running around. I bought a sweet hat and shirt in the gift shop.

My aunt and two cousins are in town from California and it's so awesome to have them here. They are so cool and fun. I think over Christmas break, I'm gonna fly to Cali and spend a week or so with them. They keep asking us to come and now that I've got a job, it is very much possible for me to make the trip. Hopefully, the rest of my family can make it up here. Can you imagine? Christmas by the beach, eating the freshest of seafood and maybe even some hiking on the mountains. Maybe I'll move with my aunt for a while after I graduate.

I think that's really all for now.

Cheers :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Outrageous: My new favorite word.

Sometimes watching certain parenting styles just sends me over the edge. Allowing your children to get to the point where they think it's okay to yell and hit you. I just feel like whenever I'm a parent, my children will be able to express their feelings to me in an appropriate way.

I want an apartment. Really, really badly.

Also, I've come to the conclusion that I don't just want to write a book. My goal in life is to be a writer and that contains a lot more than just being a book writer. So, if I can support myself with any type of writing/writing industry job, then I'd be okay with a book possibly coming down the road at some point. :)

I think that's really all for now.

Cheers :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

CapriSun's are SO good

Do you remember that one time when growing up and making hard decisions really sucked? I do. Because that's my life right about now.

Kenya=a big, resounding no right now. Too much stress about finding the money by the end of this month. I know God has called me to go there, but I think my timeline is a little off. School has to be finished before I can go. Distractions+me+school=never a good thing. But I'm content with my decision and know that I can still be a blessing to Sakina with all the letters and what not I can still send her.She and Kenya are not going anywhere. :)

13-inch MacBook Pro=being shipped into my possession as we's coming. Which is such a big thing for me to have a laptop that actually works. One that doesn't try to send me into seizures with it's strobe effect. This computer will no doubt get me through the rest of school and then some. When I buy a house, I'll buy an iMac. Deal? yes.

Lastly, I've decided that I want to open/manage/work at an antique/old/valuable/slash bookstore. I love books, right? Right-o. All I want to do for the rest of my life is read and write, right? Bingo. Being surrounded by books all day should spark some kind of creativity in me, right? Sure. Therefore, I aspire to own a book shop. That way, I can hire people to do my bidding whilst I sit in the back office and write my bestseller.

Pacific Cooler CapriSun's are da bomb!

Cheers :)

P.S. I'm addicted to sweet tea. It's really I may need an intervention.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Shin Splints

Here's what my mind is currently thinking: 

1. I'm not really sure why I feel like I want to do so many things...but don't really seem to have a way to do them all...

2. My enter button decides when it wants to work..lame...
3. Kenya is calling my name louder than ever. And I'm happy to respond to her call. 

4. Why haven't I watched the History channel more????

On a much larger note, God showed up in a realistic way last week at youth camp. There were no tears, no crazy re-dedications and no promises that I knew couldn't be kept. However, I got to take a real look at what my life had become and what I knew He expected from me. The idea of rejoicing in my salvation was really the main lesson of the week for me. Thanking the Lord every day for the sacrifice He made for me is something that is essential to me really being devoted to Him. Salvation, love, grace and mercy are things that I fear I may never understand, but I can for sure thank and praise God for what I do understand: He loves me enough to look past my junk and give me another chance. 
                                                      For I am persuaded that neither death nor life,
    nor angels nor rulers,
    nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,
     nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing
    will have the power to separate us
                                            from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!
 Romans 8:38-39

Amen :)