Thursday, April 28, 2011


I'm contemplating a couple of things right now...

1. I've been really stressed about finding this book that the Lord really used to speak to my heart throughout last semester. This doesn't seem like that big of a deal, right? Wrong. It occurred to me that, although that book was a huge part of getting me through last semester, I should be more worried about why I'm not constantly in His Word. I should be worrying and stressing about why I'm not looking feverishly into His love letter to us. Eh. Just kind of convicting. Well. A lot convicting. I still want to find that book. But I want to be lost in His Book.

2. Friendships. So many questions. I know that all the relationships in my life right now are serving a purpose. Except the thing that's kind of tripping me up is just how complex they all are. But I my line of thinking is following a little more specific path. Why do WE have to make things so complex in our relationships? For me, I've got some friends that I know so well that it's just not hard to be around them at all, ever. Those friends are the ones who challenge my walk and are genuinely concerned about how I'm growing. Those are the friends that make my life soooo worth it. It's just hard to explain.

On the other hand, the friends who are good friends, but just not to the level of the other kind. It's just...uhh...I dunno. Hard. Here's what I think is hard: I want to be able to invest, care, listen, pray and enjoy those friends as much as my deep friends. In the big scheme of things, I do most of those things for all my friends, but I think I just want to WANT to do those things more.

I'm just wanting to find the deeper meaning in those friendships that I'm just kind of lukewarm about.

Oh, the ramblings of a sinner's heart. Lord, be glorified in my rambling.

These next two weeks are gonna be stressful. I'm praying for rest and strength in Him. And for a rejuvenation of those friendships I've let slide.

Cheers :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Enjoying the Silence

I sure have been thinking a lot lately how it helps sooo much to just step away from a situation and just see how things happen...which for me, has been inexplicably helpful.

The Lord has been really faithful in showing me the benefit of the major life decisions I've been making in the past few weeks. His grace and provision have been SO obvious in every aspect of my life that it just makes me wonder why I ever tried to do things on my own. Before a couple of weeks ago, I had a place to live in Denton but wasn't comfortable with the living arrangements, I didn't have a job in order to help pay for my apartment, summer classes weren't figured out yet, I wasn't loving my major and I was just in a major major funk.

Since then, I've gotten a job pretty much secured, my parents are letting me stay with them, summer classes are figured out, my major is changed and I'm THRILLED about it, and I'm no longer feeling the funk of just not knowing. I'm resting in the Lord's promise of having a plan already set out for me. I've just got to do my part now and commit my life to Him fully.

AND even cooler, I'm getting to pray a friend through a situation I know all too well. How cool?! So many blessings. I'm praying I handle them the right way.

On top of all of that, I got to see Karla after 7 months. There's nothing like spending 3 days with the person who knows you best in this world. Loved every stinkin' minute of it.

Cheers y'all :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

What's this?? I'm becoming an adult?!

This is what I'm enjoying lately...

Being apart of a family.
Being able to make responsible decisions that are best for my family.
Always having someone to talk to.
Making endless memories in all kinds of ways.
Constantly being reminded of God's amazing love and divine appointments.

Coolest thing ever.

I'm one blessed gal.

Cheers :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ahhh, love :)

His name is Winston. He is full of knowledge. He allows to me have pretty much as many books as I want. He does not talk back to me. He lets me talk to myself without assuming I'm insane. I have an unlimited amount of time to spend with him and he never gets tired of it. All of that to say that he, Winston, is the perfect man.

If only, he wore flesh instead of a purple leather cover. Winston is my precious Kindle. We've spent the best time together, going through 14 of my favorite novels.

Since I said I'd have another literature quotes post, I figured I could dedicate these quotes to the ones I've come across in the books I've read from Winston.

It's pretty ironic that the majority of the quotes I've bookmarked in Winston are about friendship and love which are pretty much the big themes in life for me right now. So it's suuuper cool that the idea for a post like this came right now.

And nooooooow on the real business:

If You Could See Me Now by Cecelia Ahern (one of my favorite authors)
"...I realized that for the first time in my life, Elizabeth was the only friend I had ever met who had completely understood me after all. And for anyone who's ever had that connection with someone, even if it only lasted for five minutes, it's important. For once I didn't feel that I was living in a different world form everyone else, but that in fact there was a person, a person I liked and respected, who had a piece of my heart, who felt the same way. You all know exactly how I was feeling that night. I didn't feel so alone. Even better than that, I felt like I was floating on air."

-How true it is that it's the best feeling ever knowing that someone understands you so deeply, but still wants to be around you. I've known that feeling with plenty of people and still feel that awesome sense of community with my group of friends now. It's my prayer that I can be the same kind of friend.

and this is probably my favorite quote of all time...from Winston at least ;)

Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks
"True love is rare, and it's the only thing that gives life real meaning."

I think I'll leave it at that.

Cheers :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More saving. More doing.


The past day and a half have been the hardest. EVER.

Being an adult and having to make difficult decisions is no fun.


It is comforting to know I can rest in the Lord knowing that He will bless the fact that I stood firm in what I believed to be right.

Now! I've gotta start looking for an apartment for myself. Which is going to be super exciting.

I can't wait to see what's gonna happen in the next few months, because after yesterday, I feel like I can't go anywhere but up!

What a beautiful life I'm living right now.
Thank you Lord for the Holy Spirit who guides and prompts us.

Cheers :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another Break Up Song

This weekend has been successful and stressful...but I'm so confident that God has cool things in the workings. :)

Now, for a bit of rambling...

So, I have this journal that is pretty much my favorite journal of all because at the top of the pages, there are quotes from some of the best literature of all time. Which, if you know me at all, is the coolest thing ever. There have been so many books that have inspired and stretched my mind that I couldn't possibly explain how much I love love love reading.

In high school, I pretty much never read the books assigned to me...or if I did it would just the Spark Notes of the chapter we were quizzed on. Well, my junior year, I was introduced to a book that kind of changed my life at that point in time. The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien is one of the most heart-wrenching, mind-bending and thought-provoking stories I've ever read. It's based on O'Brien's experiences in Vietnam. If I get any further into the description, y'all will be reading a book review. haha. SO. I'll just give you my favorite quote from the book:

"By telling stories, you objectify your own experience. You separate it from yourself. You pin down certain truths. You make up others. You start sometimes with an incident that truly happened...and you carry it forward by inventing incidents that did not in fact occur but that nonetheless help to clarify and explain."

Ah, I love it. I'll let you decide what it means for your life.

I think for my next post, I'll tell about more of my favorite quotations from some of my favorite books. Looking back on stuff like that, helps me remember how the Lord used those books to teach me life lessons.

Do you have a favorite quotation from a book? How did it help you get through a certain part of life?

Such cool things to explore in books and I plan to not ever stop devouring any book I can get my hands on.

Cheers :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011


First of all, thank you Jesus that You are constantly there. What a wonderful comfort in this strange phase of life I'm finding myself in.

Tonight we had a small gathering of some of the older girls in the college/young adult group get together with girls from the youth group and just had a dessert and coffee fellowship..

How blessed was I by this sweet time of discussion....SO blessed. It's such a cool thing to hear from younger girls being soo strong in the Lord with all the junky stuff they face these days..

It was such an encouragement to know that the Lord is raising up young girls who are standing out for Him to make an influence in the world He's placed them in. It so makes me want to be a better example for them and for the people around me.

"May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight."
That will be my prayer whenever I wake up and throughout my day.

Also, I want to say a small word of appreciation for my dear friend Elisa. After my last post about wanting stability, she immediately texted me and said she wanted to have a weekly time of phone conversation. So glad God knows just what I need. Tonight we talked, not about anything in particular, but just talked about things going on. It was so sweet.

Here's what I think life should start looking like since my last post that was kind of rant-y and complain-y....

Making a priority of digging into God's word and really what it says about how my heart is supposed to look..
I'm now going to focus on all the positive..
Listening to people and truly praying the best for them.

Ah, the Lord is so good in the exact right times.

Cheers :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Crazy huge changes and wanting the best

Well...big things are happening right now:

1. My sophomore year of college is coming to a quick and sudden close. I'm not quite sure if I'm ready to start my second to last year of college. YIKES!

2. I'm about to move out of my parents house for good. Scariness.

3. I'm about to move out of my parents house for good. AWESOME!

-The reason I put it twice is because it seems like two insanely different feelings for the same event. I'm terrified to actually be on my own and not have my parents to always be right there. On the flip side, it's gonna be such a cool time in my life that I'm really looking forward to. Such a contrast of emotions about this whole moving out business. I'm certainly praying for a peace about all of it.

Now...that's what's going on in my everyday life...and while I'm enjoying all of that...there is certainly something missing...and last night I realized what it was...stability. The reason I realized it specifically last night is because I was skyping with Karla for two hours. I miss having a constant confidant, an accountability partner living across the room and a true friend who is literally always there.

Ah. I'm in a strange stage of life right now. So many possibilities and opportunities.