I love working. It's awesome to actually have something to fill my days with.
Also, I didn't get my braces off, but hopefully that will be remedied soon. Very soon. At least before July 23, when my "sister" is getting married and I'm a bridesmaid. Braces and wedding pictures=no thank you. Fingers crossed.
Next March 19-27, I have a huge opportunity to go to Kenya. Yeah, Kenya...that's in Africa...where the little girl I sponsor lives. Yeah. I am beyond thrilled. Beyond.
Have I mentioned that I love where I work?
This morning we had a little get together for some of the missionaries that help out at the museum who have been gone for the past year. They were teaching at a school in Azerbaijan, which is near the Caspian Sea. Anyhow, it's just a blessing to be able to hear of all the cool things that the Lord is doing around our world. It really makes me want to have some small part in it, somehow.
That's all I think I have for now...
An update on the book will be coming soon. Promise. :)
Cheers :)