Thursday, June 23, 2011

Big, big blessings

Goooood morning!

I love working. It's awesome to actually have something to fill my days with.

Also, I didn't get my braces off, but hopefully that will be remedied soon. Very soon. At least before July 23, when my "sister" is getting married and I'm a bridesmaid. Braces and wedding pictures=no thank you. Fingers crossed.

Next March 19-27, I have a huge opportunity to go to Kenya. Yeah, Kenya...that's in Africa...where the little girl I sponsor lives. Yeah. I am beyond thrilled. Beyond.

Have I mentioned that I love where I work?
This morning we had a little get together for some of the missionaries that help out at the museum who have been gone for the past year. They were teaching at a school in Azerbaijan, which is near the Caspian Sea. Anyhow, it's just a blessing to be able to hear of all the cool things that the Lord is doing around our world. It really makes me want to have some small part in it, somehow.

That's all I think I have for now...
An update on the book will be coming soon. Promise. :)

Cheers :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Squeaky Boots

I'm pretty close to a final idea on a possible book/short story. After this week of craziness at work, I plan on actually writing this idea down on paper ;) I'll be sure to post about how that goes.

I had a long discussion with my friend Brandy at work today about friendships and what should be expected in those friendships. I'm very optimistic that I have an even better outlook on the types of friends I want to have and really invest time into. I'm super glad to have older, wiser people in my life to help me think through the tough things in life.

List time!!!

These are things I'm looking forward to in the next few weeks:

1. I'M 99.9999% SURE I'M GETTING MY BRACES OFF THIS THURSDAY!!!!! *ahem* I'm a tad bit excited. 3 years is long enough.

2. Summer has officially started. My tan is coming along nicely and our pool is getting some good use.

3. At the end of this month I am FINALLY getting a new laptop. I'm grateful to have a job to allow me to pay for that on my own. Awesome.

4. My Dallas Mavericks are the NBA Champions!!!!!!!

I think that's actually all for now.

Cheers :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Suspect Behavior

I love Criminal Minds. Best. Show. Ever.

Some choices people make just confuse me. Not make me mad. Just confuse me. Can't wrap my brain around it. Just weird. To each his own, I suppose. Hmmm.

Have I mentioned that I am desperately aching to write a book? Or write anything. Basically, I want to create some piece of literature, get it edited, send it to publishers and hope one of them decides it's good enough to publish it and then get it printed and put in book stores.
Pipe dream?
Nah. It'll happen. For sure.
I need to, like, go to an island for two weeks. Alone. And just brainstorm.
Anyone wanna fund that trip? Just lemme know.

Cheers :)