Tuesday, October 18, 2011


StumbleUpon stumbled me a new list of writing exercises that I'm going to start using in my Mac app called Evernote which I'm pretty sure I've referenced here before. This morning I did the first exercise. I'd like to share it on here, but I don't think I have the self confidence to do that because of the subject matter. hahaha. Maybe one day.

But all the other exercises will get posted here so I can start feeling more comfortable with sharing my writings and not being terrified that they suck. Which I'm sure the first few will, but I'm slowly becoming okay with that.

In other news, freaking fall is here and in full swing!!!!!!!!!!!! The weather is sooo nice outside. I need to go winter clothes shopping. Yesyesyesyesyesyes.


Ben Rector concert is this Friday. Much excitement. Much.
Ramen Republic for lunch today. Basically, heaven in bowl form.
My sweet friend Daniel's radio show is tomorrow...all the way from Iowa. :)

But most excitingly.......I have the idea for my book completely pinned down in my head. It's amazing what sitting down and writing for 30 minutes will do for a writer. What a beautiful thing. (:

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Well, hello there. I've gotten really bad about posting but I'm kind of glad because that just means I'm staying busy.

The weather has turned to beautiful in Texas and I'm loving every second of it. Even the rain, because Lord knows we desperately need it. Pretty soon I'll be able to start wearing scarves and cute jackets...guess that means I'll need to go shopping. ;)

I've also decided that I'm going to buy myself an iPad. Especially with this new iOS that just came out. My co-worker Kerri and I have already rationalized buying one enough for the both of us. So it's happening. Probably in December as an early birthday present to myself.

Here's what my Christmas list consists of right now:
1. DVD box sets of the followin amaaaazing shows: House, Big Bang Theory, Lie to Me, and Criminal Minds
2. A keyboard

That's basically what I want for Christmas this year. This year is also going to be exciting because I'm going to be able to buy family presents with my own money that I made. Which is really cool.

Hmmm, I think that's really all that's going on right now.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Cheers :)