Wednesday, August 3, 2011

CapriSun's are SO good

Do you remember that one time when growing up and making hard decisions really sucked? I do. Because that's my life right about now.

Kenya=a big, resounding no right now. Too much stress about finding the money by the end of this month. I know God has called me to go there, but I think my timeline is a little off. School has to be finished before I can go. Distractions+me+school=never a good thing. But I'm content with my decision and know that I can still be a blessing to Sakina with all the letters and what not I can still send her.She and Kenya are not going anywhere. :)

13-inch MacBook Pro=being shipped into my possession as we's coming. Which is such a big thing for me to have a laptop that actually works. One that doesn't try to send me into seizures with it's strobe effect. This computer will no doubt get me through the rest of school and then some. When I buy a house, I'll buy an iMac. Deal? yes.

Lastly, I've decided that I want to open/manage/work at an antique/old/valuable/slash bookstore. I love books, right? Right-o. All I want to do for the rest of my life is read and write, right? Bingo. Being surrounded by books all day should spark some kind of creativity in me, right? Sure. Therefore, I aspire to own a book shop. That way, I can hire people to do my bidding whilst I sit in the back office and write my bestseller.

Pacific Cooler CapriSun's are da bomb!

Cheers :)

P.S. I'm addicted to sweet tea. It's really I may need an intervention.


  1. Sad days on Kenya, YAY for mac, full whole-hearted agreement on Capri Suns.

  2. mmm capri suns. hope stuff comes soon on that book you're working on. :)

  3. No! I SAY "I like oreos" THEN there's a picture. There are words!!!
