For the month of May, I've set three challenges for myself and I'm pretty excited about the potential outcomes!
Numero uno: I'm not going to straighten my hair for this whole month. I straighten it so much and it's just killing my hair right now. Plus, I'd like my hair to grow longer and straightening it just is not helping that process at all. So, I'm in the market for natural hair products to help strengthen my hair again!
Numéro deux: I am going to workout for at least 30 minutes every day this month NO MATTER WHAT. I have my mind so set on doing this that I really feel like there is nooooo way it won't happen. No need to say any more about that!
Il numero tre: 20 minutes of just sitting in my room (or anywhere), digging into God's word. Shouldn't I be doing this already, you say? Well, yes I should be. But to be honest, I have not been as diligent in my quiet times as I should be. Plenty of times I've fallen into this pattern, but I think what's different about my state of mind now, is that I realize the significance of daily walking with the Lord. At times in my life, I have been good about meeting with God in the quiet times of my days and when I look back on those times, they were some of the most joyful and fulfilling times of my life. I want that again.
I'm pumped about the month of May.
Cheers :)