My heart is just full to the brim right now for so many reasons.
The two people I wanted in the finale of American Idol are in it! That might sound silly and minor, but I don't think there could have been a two better people chosen. I'm so thrilled.
I'm so proud of my sweet best friend, Karla, for getting to go spend the summer in England loving on people. How cool?! I love it. and her. She's the best person I know.
God's ultimate provision and perfect timing has always been something that I thought I understood or had some sort of grasp on. Well, all that was certainly blown away when I realized how small I was and could never really completely conceive His almighty awesomeness. Over the past month and a half, I've just been blindsided with joy, contentment, fulfillment and peace that I really couldn't even begin to explain it properly.
Here's what I know: when I've been faithful to the Spirit's prompting, things I didn't think would ever happen, happened. whenever I've surrendered my plan, to whatever He would have for me, suddenly my plans changed to things I didn't think I wanted. Whenever I started to expect or think I deserved certain blessings, God took those things away...but replaced them with things I'd never even think to label as blessings.
Basically, my state of mind has been altered.
I'm grateful.
Richly blessed.
Cheers :)
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