Thursday, July 14, 2011

All was well...

Well, the day has finally arrived...the last movie of the Harry Potter series comes out at midnight...


No need to dwell. Moving right along, then.

Karla, my best friend who has been in England all summer, comes home in 13 days. Hopefully I'll get to see her before school starts or soon thereafter.

I've discovered that my reading is labored when it's done out of necessity. I did not successfully make it through all 7 books before today. Which is okay. I'd rather see this movie, take it all in, and then pick back up the books at my own pace.

Pet peeves aren't really my thing. Like, I don't really notice things people do that bother me. However, one thing that just irks me to the core is the way people respond to text messages sometimes. Por ejemplo, in the middle of a conversation, a person texts "yeah." or "ok" or "ya" or EVEN WORSE "k". OhMyGravy. Can't staaaand it. I'm done ranting.

In book news, I've got so many ideas floating around in my head that it's hard to really single out which one to take a run with. Luckily, all these floating ideas center around one main idea: going away from home and coming back to find everything/everyone different. Once, the exact right idea and story line pop into my head, I'll be ready. It's just a matter of weeding through all the ideas that come from stuff I've already read and finding in the midst of them, my own. It shall happen.

As Lord Voldemort tweeted just a few minutes ago: "Magic never ends"

Cheers :)

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