Monday, September 26, 2011


It's strange to me how some things bother me but then...when I think about other emotional response at all. Ya know what I mean? Like it bothers me that my room is a laundry disaster zone but it doesn't bother me even a little bit that personal time spent with the Lord is limited to about two days a week. I bugs me, but obviously not enough for me to really make any change.

So I'm praying that God starts shifting my focus to things that really matter. Which I think He has been doing and I'm just kind of in a strange in-between stage. Which are totally awful. To quote a Mumford and Sons song, "if only I had an enemy bigger than my apathy, I could have won." That's kind of how I feel right now.

We are close to another month ending which means a few things for me:
1. Pay day! Woot!
2. I'm getting THAT much closer to turning 21. (3 months left)
3. The semester is that much closer to being over. HA! (I don't like school)
4. Cooler weather is upon us in Texas. You know you live in Texas when you get very excited about the high temp for the day being around 90 degrees. It's glorious. I looooove being a Texan.
5. This cooler weather also means reading outside. Which is one of my most favorite things to do ever ever ever. I want to buy a hammock to put in my backyard to do said reading in. Yeah that would be awesome.

I desperately need a new camera. So many fun things have been going on lately and all I've got is my iPhone to take pictures with, which is awful, but I'd rather have something nicer. I don't really want to wait until Christmas to ask for one but I also don't know that I want to spend the money on one. Hmm, that's a lie. I do want to spend the money, but I think I just have to decide which one is best.

Pottermore finally sent me The E-Mail that my account was ready. *squeals* ahhh, soooo excited. However, due to the large number of Potter nerds around the world, the site has been unavailable almost every time I wanna get on. Still. I'm on Pottermore :) (check this post's title, that's my screen name...epic right?!)

English major pet peeve number 10,231: Nothing can be "spilt". That's not even a word. You "spilled" something is what should be said. Sheesh.

Work is so dull. That's why I'm rambling. I'm done.

Cheers :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Something Like This

Ben Rector's new album is already in the top ten on the iTunes charts. It's SO SO SO good. Like I said earlier, I'm sorry to the rest of the library for neglecting you...but it is ESSENTIAL that I very familiar with this album when he comes to Dallas in October. :)

Driving to school this morning, I decided that I needed to blog about what my life would look like if I hadn't made a huge life decision in May.

First of all, I'd be living in Denton not having to fight traffic every Tuesday and Thursday. I more than likely would have a job that I hated and not making enough money to be able to buy things for myself. Also, I'd be unhappy being so far away from my friends. I know that my relationship with the Lord would not be where it is right now. It'd be hard for me to find joy in the little things because I would be in a situation where my influences would be of the bad sort.

So what does that mean for me right now?

I'm in a place of such peace and contentedness. God has grown me up so much in the last 4 or 5 months that it evens weirds me out sometimes at my thought process. I feel like an adult now. A real grown up, making real decisions to help shape my future. Do you know how fulfilling that is? Only the most fulfilling feeling in the entire world. My life would look so different if I hadn't stood up for myself and what I know is right. Pretty cool. I've been smiling all day thinking about that. (And the fact that Ben is gonna be in my ears all day).

Life is enjoyable for me right now and I can only see it getting better from here.

It would only be appropriate to leave with a quote from a new song off Something Like This: "Leave your worry for another day. Let the good times roll tonight."

Cheers :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Red Velvet Cupcakes

Let's start with how today has gone:
1. Work was super busy. Lots of movement all around the office. It helped the day go by quickly.
2. Homework was relatively interesting...I really enjoy my online American Fiction class. It kinda makes me wanna write a short story. They are much less daunting and can have just as big of an impact.
3. My best friend Elisa and I took an adventure to the HUGE Half Price Books in North Dallas. Luckily, I only spent $26 on a few books and a sweet Johnny Cash CD. 
4. Elisa decided she and I need to have our own T.V. show to document the times we hang out. They can be pretty entertaining. I have the theory that they only way we are friends is to have this show of us being taped...kinda like The Truman show...ya know? Ok, maybe not. But still kinda cool to think about.
5.  Red Velvet cupcakes with whipped frosting are da bomb.

Now...yesterday was just one those days that reminds me of the greatness of God...even in the small things...
I rode the train to school this week. Now, some of my stops are a little sketchy in areas so I kind of have to pay attention to my surroundings. Which is fine. 
So, I am sitting on the second train I have to take home and at one stop a big group of guys gets on and start being really, really loud. Nothing about them really intimidates me except for how loud they are. We were in a small train car and they were standing up and saying all kinds of foul things. So I get a little anxious and think that I'm never gonna ride the train again because I can't handle this kind of thing. Finally, I get to my stop and get off. I still feel a little anxious and shaky, so I'm trying to calm myself down by enjoying the scenery of Downtown Dallas around me.
Here comes my next train, I get on and find an empty seat. In comes this little boy to sit right in front of me. He immediately turns around and starts talking to me. We talk about my music, his school, the trains, Six Flags, fishing and the man sitting across the aisle taking a nap. He was so sweet and just wanted someone to talk to. I'm so glad God put me in that spot right then because I was so blessed by that sweet boy. His innocence shone God's love through every part of our conversation. I hope I get to see him again on Tuesday.

Now that was kind of a long story, but God just really changed my mood around sooo quickly. I am grateful for a God who knows my circumstance and what makes my heart beat.

I'm off to Austin to a wedding!!

Have a great weekend, y'all! 

Cheers :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

1 more hour till i'm off of work

yesterday i was talking to a friend of mine and i was telling him how i felt like a real adult because i'm always so busy with school and work and family and sitting in traffic. and then i thought to myself today, "am i really that busy?" the answer i came up with: yes! hahaha. how'd you like that for an intro?

i'm also not capitalizing anything in this post. i'm working on trying to find my own style of writing so i'm experimenting with different things. does this one fit me?

ooh on a fun note: i'm redecorating my room this weekend. it was changed to a guest room when i first left for college and now that i'm back home for at least the next year, i'd kind of like it to reflect a bit more of me instead of my grandmother's attic. no offense, grandma. so i'm pretty excited about that. new paint color, new bedding, new bookcase and new clock/wall decorations. it's gonna be a good time!

*ahem* 11 days until Ben's(he deserves to be capitalized, and yes we are on a first name basis) new album is coming out. can't wait. so excited. might scream a little. apologizing to the rest of my itunes library in advance for the certain neglect that will happen once this album comes out.

happy labor day!

cheers :)