Monday, November 14, 2011

I can't think of a good title for this post...not yet at least. Maybe by the end of me writing, I'll have something witty figured out.

At my church, the girls of the youth group have a missions group called Acteens. They study about missions, pray about missions, give to missions and they go out and do missions in the community and country. I was in Acteens while I was in youth group and I have some of the best memories ever out of that group. They are led by such godly women and it's just a good time. Well, I'm getting to see the other side of Acteens now because I'm a leader!!!! It's soooo fun and different being on the leader side of things, but I absolutely love it. We are in the middle of our annual International Mission Study and this year it's on London...which brings me to my next paragraph...

Though never having been before, I have this deeply, passionate love for London. I have nooooo idea why. There's just something about it that makes me want to make it my home. How cool is it, though, that our IMS this year is on London?? Sometimes I feel like God might be calling me there to serve short-term, but then sometimes I feel like it's just me making an excuse to go live there. Which also makes me think, why does it have to be either of those options? Why can't I just follow my heart on something that feels right? No? Maybe. This will probably have to wait until after I graduate...whenever that will be.

Speaking of it really over yet? Seriously. I'm so bored of it. Ready for it to be done so I can get a real job doing what I really want to do. At least my momma told me I could stay with them as long as I was in school. That's really really helpful.

That's all for now.
Cheers :)

P.S. Pinterest is taking over my life.

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